GeneCut Program at OpenBio 2021

From October 5 to 8, the eighth international OpenBio forum took place in the science city of Koltsovo near Novosibirsk. The forum focused on life sciences in various forms—from fundamental research to industrial applications of biotechnology and intellectual property protection.
Our company, which has been involved in bioinformatics development for 18 years, has repeatedly participated in the forum’s activities—in the scientific part, in discussion panels, and exhibitions. This year, all four sections of the forum's scientific conference included bioinformatics as a crucial element of nearly all biological research.
The bioinformatics team at UNIPRO, in collaboration with the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine ( ICBFM SB RAS), presented a report on the GeneCut software tool. This program was developed for designing oligonucleotides, assembling, and cloning gene constructs. It enables molecular biologists to simulate the division of DNA sequences into short fragments (oligonucleotides) for subsequent assembly. The efficiency of assembling synthetic DNA sequences from the resulting fragments has been experimentally confirmed.
This project was initiated by the late Georgiy Shevelev, PhD in Chemistry and head of the Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, who tragically died in the Altai Mountains in July 2021. The scientific foundation of this work is the result of his many years of dedication.