Roundtable on Supercomputing

On June 28, 2017, a roundtable discussion titled "Supercomputing and Breakthrough Technologies" was held at NSU, coinciding with the Marchuk Scientific Readings organized by the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS. Researchers from Siberia and Moscow shared their experiences of successful developments, discussed new projects, and reflected on which large-scale computing tasks are the most relevant for implementation in the near future.
UNIPRO participated as a guest representing the Novosibirsk IT community. We shared our experience in implementing joint projects with scientists from the NSC, and discussed plans to create a new engineering center in Novosibirsk based on Russian hardware platforms. This initiative may be of interest to the scientific community, as the new generation of " Elbrus" processors and computing systems have technical characteristics that make them highly effective for scientific computing. In some tasks, they already outperform processors based on the x86 architecture.